Monday, 22 January 2007

Mungret is NOT a little village!!! by any standards!!! I've been told off!! HA HA

For those who have read the blog in relation to being in the west country of Ireland I need to make a correction. I am returning there this weekend to attend the wedding celebrations of my good friends Glen and Maria but need to correct something. It seems that I may have offended some of the local clan with mention of Mungret being a little village!! I did not mean this in an offensive way and must mention again how much I enjoyed my last visit. As well, before I am ostracised completely I must give an honourable mention and shout out to Maria's mum who made us feel so welcome and cooked the best food I have had in years. There, that might save me being sorted out upon arrival in Shannon on Friday night, that is if they decide to pick me up. HA HA, see you soon, congratulations to the happy couple again!!!