Friday, 19 January 2007

I do actually have a job....

Well not for much longer as I am leaving at the end of February but a couple of work pictures have cropped up on an email and I thought I would share them with you in case you had forgotten what I look like. A couple of pics of some of my team and I hosting a function at the club. As you can see by my shocking appearance it is the end of a very, very, very long day. Think this one was in the region of 14 hours?
Scarily I can remember seeing similar pictures of my father like this when I was growing up. Correct me if I am wrong Dad but does this not look alarmingly like functions at the Carindale Hotel!!! I hope everyone has a giggle at these and notice that yes I am aging rapidly!!!! Just in case mum does not have her glasses on if you click on the photos they will appear in their actual size mum.......... enjoy

Monday, 15 January 2007

I Survived the Bog of Death!

Finally got back out into the countryside I love the most over the weekend. Took part in a 13 mile walk with the Ramblers group of Sheffield (20-30's) branch. Part of which was 5 kilometeres across a muddy peat bog. Great fun!!! covered in it, as you can hopefully tell I am being a tad sarcastic. I loved being out walking again but as usual the British weather didn't let us down. Cold, wet and windy. Have also started bouldering again so some pics of me up a wall may appear soon.