I have been in London training for the last while for my new job and still have 3 weeks to go. Long and really hard but worth it I think in the long run. It's been awhile since I have been able to write. Now working for the legendary Aussie company Flight Centre and will be based Leeds(north of England for those who don't know). It has given me some time to think of the things that are important to me and what is important moving forward. I would like to, as publicly as I can thank my family for everything they have done for me over the years. They are so far away from me, apart from kel kel who is here but are always in my heart and my mind.
You guys are incredible and I am blessed a thousand times more then I have ever deserved to have you................
More over I have some incredible friends here and back home, as well as those of you abroad in other lands (shout out chaddy) that have never left me even when I have put you through some horrific shit on my behalf. You are the people without who some struggles I have dealt with a long time and those that are a constant are doable, and are worth doing in the first place. Some of those most recently found again after a long absence I am especially glad we have found each other and glad that at some point we will meet again and enjoy those legendary times long since forgotten, just in a new format, with kids and things. oh my god we are all getting on. i will hopefully give you an update on how the training is going before the end but until then, stay safe. love ya miss ya...................................................
a simple account of where i am time to time, physically, mentally and geographically.
Saturday, 31 March 2007
Sunday, 11 March 2007
Its March already?????
As you can see Dave is now on itunes and I encourage everybody to go listen and download at least one song each please. Or click on his website linked at the bottom of the page!!! Apart from that, its March already!!!! Crazy I know but it meant that Jack finally turned 18 which is a bit scary....speaking of scary.
Did an
Also I have been improving my climbing (thank god) and bouldering with the help of housemate and friend Claire. I am now regularly up the wall a couple of times a week and actually doing routes I couldn't last month. We aren't allowed to use cameras at the wall but will try and sneak a peak soon for you. Claire is off skiing this week so will be roping Dave, another housemate who we baptised into climbing this week and he quite enjoyed it and said he wanted to start coming with us. Also Claire is running London marathon in a few weeks so there will be pics of her and us as cheer squad once completed!!!!
That is about it really with the updates for the moment, a couple of things I would like to tell you about but will have to wait a bit longer for details. Stay safe and be good!!!!
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Introducing Master Cameron Lythe.......
Born 29th Dec in Ireland to my very proud cousin and her partner. I hear everyone is doing well and I think you will all agree he is very cute and a welcome addition to the family. To his great gran who is my great aunt, I will make sure Bridie sees these. Must thank Aunty Laura for the pics and will speak to you soon!!!
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Want to hear something funny?....
i've got chicken pox....its not nice. that is all that really needs to be said.
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Happy Valentines Day.....
I just sincerely hope if you were with that special someone that you let them know how much you love them, just make sure you do it everyday as well.
Monday, 12 February 2007
Mungret, Limerick, Ireland 27th January 2007....

May God be with you and bless you, May you see your children's children, May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward.
Well, it has been years in the planning and after their fantastic ceremony in Mauritius it was the real party, home with the family. Only eyewitnesses can really appreciate the amount and quality of food that came out of this family kitchen, expertly cooked and warmly appreciated. It was what it was always meant to be, a celebration amongst the nearest and dearest to acknowledge the union of Glen and Maria. I was especially glad I made the flight over and a huge thank you to the whole family unit as we all descended on Dermot Mac and Geraldine's house to basically, destroy it. Thank you all again for the warm and friendly hospitality and hope to see you all soon enough.
A heartfelt congratulations to Mr & Mrs Richards.......I was honoured to share it with you, enough said really.
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Let me introduce you to the golden child....
This is the nickname given to a very special person in my little life. I haven't seen him in a few years and he is like a brother to me. Jack, I miss you mate and these projects rock. Everyone please click on the link and sample some awesome artwork by my little cousin. Well, younger, he is over 6 foot tall. (There are three images to look at once on the page)
just a quick one...

I will be updating with news of the wedding party in Limerick soon but am saving it until I receive some pictures, if any!!! The person in question knows who she is he he he he. Just thought I would share that if anyone doesn't know England finally looked like winter today. Snow from top to bottom. We didn't miss out here in Sheffield. I don't know why I still get excited at the sight of snow!! must be a childhood thing. -6 celsius overnight so a little cold to boot. For those of my friends in Canada, yes I know -6 is nothing compared to what you get!!! he he talk soon and stay safe.
Monday, 22 January 2007
Mungret is NOT a little village!!! by any standards!!! I've been told off!! HA HA
For those who have read the blog in relation to being in the west country of Ireland I need to make a correction. I am returning there this weekend to attend the wedding celebrations of my good friends Glen and Maria but need to correct something. It seems that I may have offended some of the local clan with mention of Mungret being a little village!! I did not mean this in an offensive way and must mention again how much I enjoyed my last visit. As well, before I am ostracised completely I must give an honourable mention and shout out to Maria's mum who made us feel so welcome and cooked the best food I have had in years. There, that might save me being sorted out upon arrival in Shannon on Friday night, that is if they decide to pick me up. HA HA, see you soon, congratulations to the happy couple again!!!
Friday, 19 January 2007
I do actually have a job....

Well not for much longer as I am leaving at the end of February but a couple of work pictures have cropped up on an email and I thought I would share them with you in case you had forgotten what I look like. A couple of pics of some of my team and I hosting a function at the club. As you can see by my shocking appearance it is the end of a very, very, very long day. Think this one was in the region of 14 hours?
Scarily I can remember seeing similar pictures of my father like this when I was growing up. Correct me if I am wrong Dad but does this not look alarmingly like functions at the Carindale Hotel!!! I hope everyone has a giggle at these and notice that yes I am aging rapidly!!!! Just in case mum does not have her glasses on if you click on the photos they will appear in their actual size mum.......... enjoy
Monday, 15 January 2007
I Survived the Bog of Death!

Finally got back out into the countryside I love the most over the weekend. Took part in a 13 mile walk with the Ramblers group of Sheffield (20-30's) branch. Part of which was 5 kilometeres across a muddy peat bog. Great fun!!! covered in it, as you can hopefully tell I am being a tad sarcastic. I loved being out walking again but as usual the British weather didn't let us down. Cold, wet and windy. Have also started bouldering again so some pics of me up a wall may appear soon.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Compliments of the season....
I hope this finds you all safe and well and eager to get a start on 2007. Christmas was a quiet affair with myself enjoying a quiet day at home with some quality food, whilst New Year's Eve was spent with my sister Kelly and her partner Simon. A good night was had by all and surprisingly not as many sore heads in the morning as we anticipated. I trust everyone spent the holidays with family and friends and for those a long way from those they love I am sure you were missed terribly. I will update you all soon on movements over the next couple of months but until then, I hope the year brings you all everything you desire. Cheers
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